
Seed a Culture of Service at Your School

We Have Resources for Calgary Schools


Youth want to contribute but many don’t know where to start. We provide fun and engaging presentations that educate youth aged 12 – 18 on the value of volunteering and community involvement.

Our presenters have been trained to inspire, inform, and connect your students to amazing opportunities that you might not even know exist.  A typical presentation covers:

Why volunteering is awesome. 
Ways to get involved. 
How volunteering can supercharge job and school applications.

We know your students don’t want a boring lecture. That’s why we keep things lively with interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and real-life stories that show how youth can make an impact in their communities!

What Do You Need to Do?

It’s super easy—we offer this program for free! Presentations last about an hour, but we’re flexible.  While we love in-person vibes, we’re currently focused on remote sessions.   Just provide a space with a screen and an internet connection, and of course, bring the students!

If this sounds like a fit or you’d like to learn more, complete our simple request form.

Club Support

If we want more youth volunteering–and we do–then it needs to be easy. For youth, that often means volunteering through or near their school. That’s why we offer support to teachers and guidance counselors looking to start or boost a volunteer or service club at their school. How we can help you:

Sounding Board: Talk through where to begin with our experienced staff. 
Volunteer Opportunities: Tap into our network of 100+ community partners. 
Funding Access: Get financial support for your youth-led projects. 
Club Networking: Learn from other clubs’ successes across the city. 

Interested? Email to explore how we can work together. 


Need funding for youth-led initiatives at your school? Check out our grant options.