2015: Year In Review

Year in Review

About Us

We are a dynamic and creative organization with over 20 years of experience in engaging youth in the community.


We provide a place for youth to find meaningful volunteer experiences. We help youth make a difference and be active, caring citizens. We support youth in building valuable skills for future employment. We give youth a voice. We grow young people’s understanding of the community. We build Calgary’s leaders of today and tomorrow.



Inspiring, engaging and celebrating youth through community participation.



All youth participate in shaping a vibrant community.



We believe that youth are awesome!
We honour the power of the youth voice and the importance of youth in our society.
We value a community in which all youth are respected and encouraged to be active citizens.
We value the diversity, skills, creativity and talents of our volunteers, participants and staff.
We value community partnerships that align with our vision and mission.

Suzy Moutinho, Youth Central Board Chair
Suzy Moutinho, Youth Central Board Chair

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Youth Central and its’ members I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported Youth Central whether it was with the gift of time and talents or through the generous gifts of financial support.  Each gift allows Youth Central to operate as one of the leading not-for-profit organizations focused on providing meaningful volunteer opportunities to youth.


This past year presented many challenges for Youth Central. Due to the economic downturn, fundraising was down, but the demand for youth volunteers was up.  There were more volunteer projects and volunteer hours than ever before!  We want to recognize the staff for working so hard to deliver strong programs and support to the community and volunteers with less resources and reduced expenses.  Youth Central is grateful to have achieved positive financial results during a difficult economic year.


In order to augment its financial sustainability, Youth Central introduced an annual registration fee for volunteers.  Introducing a registration fee was not a decision that Youth Central made lightly.  Youth Central has relied on donations to offer programming, but with the economic climate in Calgary, we felt it was necessary to ensure the long-term stability of Youth Central.  Overall, the response to the fee has been positive and has allowed Youth Central to inform parents, volunteers and community partners about benefits of volunteering and involvement with Youth Central.


Youth Central continues to receive community recognition through various nominations and awards.  We received the Community Hero Award from the MOSAIC Volunteers Association for an organization that makes incredible contributions to the community.  In November, Youth Central was nominated for a Western Legacy Award, which is a great honour.


In 2016, the board and staff will develop a new three-year strategic plan to guide the mission and vision of Youth Central.  With bleak economic predictions for the next few years, Youth Central will seek out new funding partners, expand our social enterprise, and develop creative fund raising strategies.  Once again, a tremendous thank-you to the funders who make Youth Central programs possible. Youth Central is grateful for your generosity.


In 2016, Youth Central will continue to provide great service to our partner agencies, volunteers and stakeholders through unique programs.  We will continue to inspire youth to volunteer and make a difference, and have their voices heard.  We will continue to be the go-to agency for youth engagement.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful staff, board members and volunteers for your amazing commitment and passion.

Suzy Moutinho
Board Chair

Board of Directors

Board Chair: Suzy Moutinho – Community Member

Vice Chair: Mathew Burpee – Vice President, Lynx Equity

Secretary: Sairose Kassam – Program Manager Homecare, CBI Home Health

Treasurer: Russell Anderson – District Vice President, Prairie Region, TD Canada Trust


Dean Allatt – Legal Counsel, ConocoPhillips Canada

Derek D. Fraser, CFRE – President, iDophilanthropy

Jeff Lowe – VP Marketing, SMART Technologies

Matt Grant – Associate in the Securities Group at Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP

Patti Wang – Business Analyst, McKinsey & Company

Steve Leitl – Senior Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

Zaheed Damani – Student, University of Calgary

Staff Team


Penny Hume

Executive Director

Cailean David

Program Coordinator

Lisa Kindree

Co-Executive Director

Sylvia Galica

Program Coordinator

Ros Doi

Program Director

Michelle Kemball

Program Coordinator

Andrew Phung

Director of Special Projects

Giang Trinh

Senior Program Coordinator

Significant Events

  • Youth Volunteer Corps Summit

    At the Youth Volunteer Corps Summit in Michigan, an annual event for YVC affiliates, the Milestone Award recipients were announced. Two youth from Calgary received the World-Changer Award: Wentao Li and Maichael Wang. Wentao Li is also #1 in the YVC Hall of Fame with the most volunteer hours ever!

  • Playground Build

    Youth Central volunteers built a playground with KaBOOM!, Foresters, and Foundations for the Future Charter Academy at their North Middle Campus to support active play for Calgary children.

  • Discovering Choices Peace Medal

    Discovering Choices Youth Councils were presented the 2014 YMCA Calgary Peace Medal in the Community Peace Initiatives (Youth Group) category.

  • EP Scarlett Pep Rally

    Students, staff, and the whole audience at E.P. Scarlett worked to involve the school in raising money for the Children’s Hospital Foundation!

  • MOSAIC Awards

    Youth Central was honored to be recognized by MOSAIC (Muslims of Southern Alberta Initiating Change) at their 6th Annual Volunteer Awards Night as the recipients of the Community Hero Award, for an organization that makes incredible contributions to the community. Thank you to MOSAIC!

  • Youth Are Awesome Instagram Takeover

    To improve their following on Instagram, the Youth Are Awesome bloggers started a weekly Instagram takeover, where bloggers post from the account each week. Followers have tripled since the bloggers took over!

  • Speak Your Mind Project

    The Speak Your Mind (SYM) Project is a photography campaign that gives youth an opportunity to share their stories. The campaign started in the summer of 2015 and is working to normalize the topic of mental health by making it an accessible and recognizable subject.

  • ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards 2015

    We celebrated 30 finalists, including 9 recipients, at the 12th annual YODA ceremony at the Calgary Zoo in May 2015. The YODA committee was proud to receive 175 nominations recognizing local youth for the impact they make to their community!

  • YYC's Block Party

    YYC's Block Party aims to unite the youth of Calgary together in a mission to engage young people with their local communities, celebrate current youth involvement in their communities, as well as inspire other youth to become leaders and make a difference. YYC's Block Party had over 1500 attendees and 26 organizations and vendors!

  • Mayor for a Day

    2015 marked our 4th annual Mayor for a Day contest, we asked high school students what 3 things they would do to make Calgary a better place. Grade 12 Bishop Carroll student Nyssa Rae was Mayor for a Day.

  • EarlyBird Youth Services & EquaLearn

    The CYF was pleased that two of the youth initiated projects who received grants have created a partnership. EarlyBird Youth Services connects youth with internship opportunities, while EquaLearn tutors secured school supplies and other resources for disadvantaged youth.

  • Youth Week's Once Upon a Youth

    A highlight of Youth Week 2015 was their Once Upon a Youth video series, where they asked prominent Calgarians to share stories from their youth; participants included Brett Wilson and Mayor Nenshi.

Partner Organizations

Youth Central is proud to partner with the following organizations to engage, inspire and celebrate youth in the community. For more information and to become a partner, click here.

4th Street BRZ
Acadia Community Garden and Art Society
ACFA Regional of Calgary
African Girls Education Fund (All Charity Festival)
Alberta Ballet
Alberta Cancer Foundation
Alberta Theatre Projects
Alzheimer Society of Calgary
Antyx Community Arts
Arbour Lake Community Association
Arusha Centre (Open Streets Calgary)
Auburn Bay Residents Assoc.
Autism Calgary
Bethany Care Calgary
Between Friends
Bishop O’Byrne Housing Association
Brown Bagging for Calogary’s Kids
Calgary Animated Objects Society
Calgary Board of Education-Cinderella Project
Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre
Calgary & District Labour Council
Calgary Dream Centre
Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre
Calgary Educational Partnership Foundation
Calgary Humane Society
Calgary Interfaith Food Bank
Calgary International Children’s Festival
Calgary Japanese Festival O’Matsuri
Calgary Multicultural Arts Society (Fiestaval)
Calgary Opera
Calgary Produce Marketing Association
Calgary Public Library
Calgary Reads
Calgary Reggae Festival Society
Calgary United Games Association
Calgary Zoo, Botanical Garden & Prehistoric Park
Canwest Productions
Canyon Meadows School Council


CARE Calgary Council
CARE Society (Nurture Yourself Program)
Carewest-Alberta Health Services
Chinook Park/Kelvin Grove/Eagle Ridge Community Association
City Chase
City of Calgary-Community & Neighbourhood
City of Calgary-Environmental & Safety Management
Closer to Home Community Services
Cranston Residents Association
Daraja Foundation
Distress Centre
Deaf and Hear Alberta
Dubasov Dance & Wellness Inc.
Ethno-Cultural Council of Calgary
Fairview Community Association
Federation of Calgary Communities
Food for Peace
Founder’s Cup Tournament
Fort Calgary
Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society
Glenbow Museum
Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta
Haysboro Community Association
Heritage Park Historical Society
Hispanic Arts Society
HIV Community Link
Hockey Night in Canada
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Inn From the Cold
Intercare Corporate Group
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-Southern Alberta
Kidney Foundation of Canada – Southern Alberta Branch
Kiwanis Diversity Cup
Kleos MFG
LINKages Society of Alberta
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Make-A-Wish Foundation


Marda Loop BRZ
Marketplace Events
Mid-Sun Community AssociationMindFuel
New Brighton Residents Association
North Glenmore Park Community Centre
Operation EyesightPacekids
Palliser Bayview Pump Hill Community Association
Parkdale Community Association
Parkinson Society Canada-Alberta
Parkland Community Center
Party Quest Crew
Prostate Cancer Society
Pulse Studios
Ranchlands Community Association
Reel Fun Film Festival
Renfrew Community Association
Richmond Knob Hill Community Association
Rotary Club of Calgary
Rotary Club of Calgary South
Run for Little Ones
Salvation Army Community Services Calgary
Silvera for Seniors
Southwood Community Association
Sunrise Community Link Resource Centre
Talisman Centre
Telus Spark
Temple Community Association
The Hellenic Society of Calgary
The Terry Fox Foundation
Ujamaa Grandmas
Varsity Community Association
Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society
Wellspring Calgary
Wildwood Community Association
WP Puppet Theatre


Thank you for generously supporting Youth Central this year! For more information about how to donate, click here.






ConocoPhillips Canada






Alliance Pipeline; Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink; Dick and Lois Haskayne Fund at the Calgary Foundation; Funny 1060AM; Galvin Family Fund at the Calgary Foundation; Government of Canada – Canada Summer Jobs; Great-West Life, London Life, and Canada Life; The Prosser Charitable Foundation; Trico Charitable Foundation; United Way of Calgary and Area


Cenovus Energy Inc.; CIBC; The City of Calgary; Government of Alberta; The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP; Penny Hume; Rotary Club of Calgary East


Agnieszka Galica-DaBreo; Al and Marion Hodgson; Alan and Geri Moon; Annie Thompson; Anonymous; Anthony Casuncad; Ashley Ward; Barbara Potter; Benjamin Coronel; Barry and Marnie Worbets; Bishop Carroll High School; Bishop Grandin High School; Brad Nathan; Brokerlink; Bryce Kapshaw; Cailean David; Canwest Productions; Chandel Nagel; Charles Fischer and Joanne Cuthbertson; Colonel Macleod School; Community Natural Foods Ltd.; Connie and Eric Morris; Co-op Community Foundation; The Co-operators Group; Cremers & Elliot Chartered Accountants; Cuong Le; David Hume; Dawn Loucks; Dean Allatt; Derek Fraser; Discovering Choices Supporter; Dorothy-Jean Byers; Doug and Nancy Foster; Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School; Edith Parekh; Edith Phillips-Ehrhardt; Elisea De Somma; Elizabeth Lunney; Federation of Calgary Communities; Fergus & Bix; Glen Byers; George Fink; George Jackson; George Woof; Gerald Drebit; Giang Trinh; Gino and Sherry Ferronato; Glenn and Evelyn Hillhouse; Gordon Nelson; Green Event Services; Greg Hodgson; Greg Quinn; Harry & Martha Cohen Foundation; Heather Buchwitz; Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association; Hodon Abdi; Immigrant Services Calgary; J. Scott Sutherland; Jacqueline Pyke; James Gray; Janel MacLean; Janica Fisher; Jemison Jackson; Jennifer England; Jessalyn Rohs; Jessica Mueller; Joan Valente; John Byers; John G. Diefenbaker High School; John Paul Moutinho; Josie Stiles; Karen Lacharite; Karina Fong; Kate Hume; Lane Quinn Benefit Consultants Ltd.; Laura Wasko; Laurie Strother; Leo Weatherbie; Lightstream Resources; Linda MacNamara; Lisa Kindree; Lois Mitchell; Lorna Myers; Lorraine Motowylo; Lou Zaganelli; Louise Forgues; Louise Kindree; Lynda French; Lynette Boyd; Lynn and Tom Rafter; Marcelo Pinheiro; Margaret Bertagnolli; Margaret Chan; Marina Korostensky; Marketplace Events; Mathew Burpee; Michelle Kemball; Mid-Sun Community; Mike Kampel; Murlyne Fong; Pamela Matsumiya; Patricia Weatherup; Paulette Kennedy; Pelagia Rubia; Peter Cosmann; Rahim Ladha; RBC Dominion Securities Baylis Wealth Management; RBC Foundation; Revv52; Rhonda Doi; Robert Thirsk High School; Ros Doi; Rotary District 5360; Sairose and Hanif Kassam; Shaw Meadows Bantam Hockey Team; Shawn Freemen; Shirley Smith; Sieu Van Truong; Silver Fox Inspection Ltd.; SMART Technologies; St. Francis High School; St. Mary’s High School; Stephanie Hillhouse; Sudhakar Yerrabattin; Suncor Energy Foundation; Susan Cosmann; Suzy and Ralph Moutinho; Sylvia Galica; Sylvie Beauchamp; Tallon Parekh; TELUS; Tiana Byers; Tracy Cairns; TransCanada Pipelines Ltd.; True; Tutti Frutti 17th Avenue; TWT Group; Vermilion Energy Inc.; Wayne Stewart; Wendel Business Machines Corp.; Western Canada High School; What Gives YYC; WinSport Canada; Youth Volunteer Corps of America; Zaheed Damani

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list, however if you discover any errors, omissions or you would like to be removed, please call 403-266-5448 or email lisa@youthcentral.com.

Youth Central Audited Financial Statements

Read our audited financial statements