Youth Engaged
Volunteer Hours
Volunteer Projects
Youth Central engages youth, ages 12-18, through volunteer based programming. We provide a welcoming and safe environment that is driven by youth. We value meaningful and equal engagement between youth and staff, where individual strengths, ideas and opinions are respected and encouraged. We emphasize innovative programming approaches that prioritize teamwork, creativity, community connection and critical reflection. We believe youth should volunteer and be involved in social change efforts in all levels of community.
Empowering youth to find and build their communities.
All youth participate in shaping a vibrant community.
We believe that youth are awesome!
We honour the power of the youth voice and the importance of youth in our society.
We value a community in which all youth are respected and encouraged to be active citizens.
We value the diversity, skills, creativity, and talents of our volunteers, participants, and staff.
We value community partnerships that align with our vision and mission.
We prioritize the wellbeing of our youth volunteers in everything that we do. And most of what we do is centered around community service. We encourage and support youth as they develop their passion for community building while strengthening themselves personally.
Youth Central, in partnership with the City of Calgary and the Calgary Public Library, launched the Free. Period. pilot project. Through this pilot, free pads and tampons were available in select City and Library facilities.
When we were approached by a member of the Mayor’s Youth Council about the issue of period equity, we reached out to the City of Calgary to explore the ways we could increase our impact. From there, the Free. Period. Pilot project was born. Providing free menstrual products in four City of Calgary locations, as well as one Calgary Public Library location increased accessibility city wide.
We heard from many citizens about their support for the program, including: “As a person who grew up on the poverty line I love this initiative. For girls and women to not be ashamed and be able to have access to these products free is a great program.” The pilot project reached completion in 2021, however we hope to continue the project in 2022 with the City of Calgary’s support.
My time as a Youth Central volunteer provided me with so many unique volunteer opportunities and taught me about several areas of community need. Volunteering helped me recognize the larger-scale impact of taking small, meaningful actions in the local community, and the exposure to such a wide variety of projects helped me discover the causes I am most passionate about.”
- Youth Volunteer
In the midst of uncertainty from COVID-19, we held our first Calgary Cinderella Project event in March 2021.
Although we weren’t sure if high school graduations would be held in their traditional sense, we were able to host our first Calgary Cinderella Project to benefit young graduates by providing them with a graduation dress, accessories and personal care items. Over 40 graduates took part in the two day event, alongside 50+ volunteers.
In a time of uncertainty, the event meant a lot to youth who participated. “It was amazing and one of the best experiences of my life! I wouldn’t change anything about it. It made me feel so special and loved it, it honestly changed my life.”
When we volunteer, we don't expect anything in return. We volunteer to help others out of the goodness of our hearts. When I received the Youth of Distinction Award I was speechless, when we volunteer it is not to be awarded but to reward and support others.”
- Youth of Distinction Awards recipient
Despite setbacks and circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we continued our Bounce Back programming at both the Calgary Young Offender Centre and ENVIROS.
At the Calgary Young Offender Centre (CYOC), when different units were not able to mix, we were still able to complete our Bounce Back programming. We did this through a variety of methods, including online and in person sessions, when safe to do so. Bounce Back was one of the few programs that continued during COVID-19 at the Young Offender Centre, as youth wanted to participate and came back week after week.
Attendance was consistent despite CYOC having difficulties with implementing online programming. The interest in our hip hop program remained high, despite any setbacks and no matter the format. As one of our Bounce Back participants said, “I can express my feelings in multiple ways easing stress”. Bounce Back is a creative outlet for youth during these stressful and challenging times.
Working with Youth Central is the greatest choice I have made since I came to Canada. When I first came to Canada, I didn't have any friends. Volunteering with my peers gives me another opportunity to make friends outside of school. While I am volunteering, I learn how to teach kids and seniors patiently, and make posters or window arts with positive messages. I also find the meaning of why I exist in this world as an ordinary person —— to help others, to help our community!``
- Youth Volunteer
I love being part of Youth Are Awesome because it gives me a platform and an outlet to write about issues and topics that are important or interesting to me. I think that it's so important that the voices of youth the world over are heard and uplifted, and being able to contribute to that even in a small way as a blogger and Jr. Editor has been a great experience.”
- Youth Volunteer
With assistance from Youth Volunteer Corps headquarters, the Sunderland Foundation and Home Depot, Youth Central was once again able to complete Big Build projects, allowing youth to learn valuable construction skills.
Youth Central volunteers completed two large scale Big Build volunteer projects over the summer. Volunteers created a custom built shed for Bethany Care Society to house outdoor storage items they previously had no space for. In addition, YVC volunteers also built Little Free Libraries and benches for Knox United Church’s community space.
Beyond our large scale projects, Youth Central volunteers also worked with FUSE33, a local makerspace to create outdoor games such as Connect 4 and cornhole which were gifted to Youth Centres Calgary. Our volunteers learned a lot about construction safety, appropriate materials and tools and we look forward to completing more projects in the future.
I hope you know the work you do with MYC is really life changing and makes a significant impact on us.”
- Youth Volunteer
This is my last message as Chair of the Youth Central board of directors. It’s been an honour and pleasure to have served in this role for five years, through both transformative, challenging and exciting times.
Obviously, 2021 hasn’t been without its share of challenges due to the ongoing pandemic. But Youth Central has responded, as it always does, with creativity and resilience. I am so grateful for our staff, the board, our volunteers, our generous donors and partners, parents and guardians, and everyone who makes Youth Central possible. Thanks to so many dedicated supporters, Youth Central looks ahead to 2022 with optimism and a renewed commitment to empower youth to find and build their communities.
This year, Lisa Kindree became our sole Executive Director through a thoughtful and deliberate transition plan executed by our amazing founder Penny Hume. We’re all so appreciative of everything Penny has done over the years for Youth Central, and we’re very grateful she’ll continue to support Lisa and the organization in an advisory capacity. We’re also thrilled to have Lisa leading our organization. She’s experienced, committed and ready to execute our mission. Our organization is in great hands.
Some of our directors also moved on in 2021, including Liz Lunney and Sarah Elder-Chamanara. Dean Koeller is also leaving the board after the AGM. We’re so appreciative of their time, expertise and passion for our organization. As a board, we wish them every success in the future and look forward to seeing how they continue to contribute to our wider community.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve. I look forward to staying on as a director on the board. I love this organization and the opportunities for leadership, volunteerism and community-mindedness it creates every day. Here’s to many great years ahead!
Matt Grant
Chair, Board of Directors
Youth Central
The Youth Central Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the mission and vision of Youth Central are being fulfilled through strong leadership, effective planning, and sound fiscal management. Thank you to the Youth Central Board of Directors for their hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm.
Chair: Matt Grant – Manager, Low Carbon Development, Enbridge Inc.
Vice Chair: Julianne Rohel, CHRP – Senior Human Resources Consultant
Treasurer: Yisha Pang, CA – Specialist, Corporate Risk Control, Enbridge Inc.
Secretary: Bryce Kapsha – Support Operations Lead, Benevity
Mathew Burpee, CA, CFA – Managing Director, Kepler Capital Corporation
Michael Doerksen – Lawyer, Field LLP
Derek Fraser, CFRE – President, iDophilanthropy
Dean Koeller – President, Calvert Home Mortgage Investments Corporation
Jeff Lowe – Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, SMART Technologies
Sarah Pervez – Principal Consultant, Community Voices Consulting Inc.
Henry Su – Chief of Staff, Embark Trucks
Age Care
Alzheimer Society of Calgary
Amica Seniors
Arbour Lake Residents Association
Auburn Bay Residents Association
Bethany Care Calgary
Between Friends
Bowness Community Association
Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens Association
Calgary Drop-In Centre
Calgary Humane Society
Calgary Pride
Capitol Hill Community Association
Cards for a Cause
Centre for Sexuality
Crescent Heights Business Improvement Association
Crossroads Community Association
Dalhousie Community Association
Ever Active Schools
Free Your Mind
Friends of Fish Creek
Good Neighbour Community Market
Heritage Park Historical Society
Highbank Society
Inn From the Cold
Intercare Corporate Group
Jewish Family Services Calgary
Knox Presbyterian Church
Mahogany HOA Volunteer Committee
Miskanawah Community Services Association
MPC Foundation
Palliser Bayview Pump Community Association
Perlin Foundation
Portail de l’Immigrant Association
Ranchlands Community Association
Rocky Mountain Junior Science Contest
Salvation Army Community Services Calgary
Silvera for Seniors
Telus Spark
The City of Calgary
The Kerby Centre
The Mustard Seed
The New Gallery
THIRD ACTion Film Festival
Triathalon Alberta
Triwood Community Association
Ujamaa Grandmas
Urban Productions Group
Volly Volunteer
Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society
WP Puppet Theatre
YVC STAR (Stand Together Against Racism)
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS); The Calgary Foundation; Government of Canada under the Canada Service Corps
The Prosser Charitable Foundation
5th Avenue Building; Birdies for Kids, presented by AltaLink; Bonita Runway Clothing; Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited; Canada Life; Enbridge Inc.; Home Depot Canada Foundation; Jessalyn Rohs and Michael Stensby; Sentinel Storage; Youth Volunteer Corps
Cenovus Energy; Gibson Energy; Government of Canada – Canada Summer Jobs; Penny Hume
Adam Cook; Al Duerr; Alan and Geri Moon; Andrea Clarke; Andrew Phung; Anonymous; Ashton Rudanec; Brian Rudneski; Blissful and Bridal; Blush and Raven; Bonita Paquette; Brenda Heater; The Bridal Centre; Bryce Kapsha; Calgary Youth Foundation Fund – Youth Central at the Calgary Foundation; Calvert Home Mortgage Investment Corporation; Calvin Ziganash and Kate Hume; Cameo & Cufflinks; Canwest Productions Inc.; Carolyn and Lloyd Byers; Chantal Malette; Christi Harter; Claire Black, in memory of Eric Morris; ConocoPhillips Canada; Cremers and Elliott Chartered Accountants; Dawn Blomme; Dean Koeller; Derek Fraser; Dianne Craven; Don Hughes; Doug MacLeod; Dream Weddings – Bridal & Formal Wear; Durand Bridal; Elarbe Professional Services Inc.; Elescia Wojak; Elizabeth Lunney; Elvine Wong; Ever Active Schools; Fully Managed Inc.; Glori-Jeanne Stephenson; Harry & Martha Cohen Foundation; Henry Su; Hunter Family Foundation; Jamie O’Brien; Jasreet Badyal, in memory of Eric Morris; Jennifer Connolly; Jeff Lowe; Jemison Jackson; Jon-Scott Kohli; Julianne Rohel; Karen McKinnon; Kelly Schmidt; Kit Chan; Laura Istead, in memory of Eric Morris; Leandra Fraulin; Laura Kayande; Linda MacNamara, in memory of Eric Morris; Lisa Kindree; Lisa Stevenson; Lisa Taylor; Liz Butti; Madeleine and George Yarranton, in memory of Eric Morris; Marketplace Events; Matco Financial Inc.; Mathew Burpee; Matt Grant; Matthew Lowe; Megan Wilson; Mike Doerksen; Michael Stensby; Nancy Biltek; Nancy Li; Patti Phelps; Purdy’s Chocolatier; Ralph Knoll; Ranita Charania; RBC Foundation; Rn’R Wellness Spa; Ros Doi; Rotary Club of Calgary East; Ryan Duerr; Sabrina Grover; Sandstone Asset Management Inc.; Sanjel Energy Services Inc.; Sarah Pervez; Sarah Whipp; Sherman Liu; Social Venture Partners – Calgary; Stephan Cleaners; Susan Church; Sylvia Galica-Casuncad; TD Bank Group; Tracy Allen; Two Wheel View; Usman Tahir Jutt; Vicki McLaughlin; Wendel Business Machines Corp.; Wentao Li; Wild Rose Brewery Ltd.; and Yisha Pang