Volunteer Alumni in Profile: Dr. Carrie Liu

What was your involvement with Youth Central?

I was a team leader for the Youth Volunteer Corps. In this role, I recruited and accompanied youth to various volunteer projects in the community.


What did you learn from being a part of Youth Central?

I could write a novel chronicling my experiences with Youth Central and all that I have learned. I think the most important thing I learned is that the future is bright! I met and worked with so many youths that genuinely cared about humanity and about contributing to their communities. Every day with my volunteers was a lesson that there are lots of eager and bright minds who will do great things. This was very inspiring and to this day, I reflect on my experiences with Youth Central as a reminder to not lose my drive and optimism. The second lesson I learned is that we CAN make a difference! There are millions of ways to better this world, and this can be overwhelming. However, every endeavour we undertake is meaningful and important, regardless of where it takes place.


Favorite experience?

I suppose it would be cheating to say everything? If I had to choose, it would be the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank. Crank up the music and let’s organize some food! This was definitely one of the funnest projects and really gave the volunteers and I an opportunity to get to know each other.


What have you been up to since Youth Central?

Since Youth Central, I finished medical school and I am now training to become an Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeon.


Future goals?

Broadly speaking, I would like to contribute to the field of medicine. I am especially interested in public health and health policy. It is my goal to help develop policies that improve population health.


Any advice for youth interested in your field of work?

The most important thing is to pursue what you are passionate about. Also, remember that nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Medicine is, for me, the most gratifying job. However, it does necessitate hard work and some very long hours. Despite this, I have never thought twice about what I have chosen to do because I love it!! Loving what you do truly is the key. To summarize: discover your passion and work hard for it. Your hard work will pay off – it might take a few weeks, it might take a few years, but it will happen!