Volunteer Alumni in Profile: Henry Su

What was your involvement with Youth Central?
Instead of “involvement,” I prefer the word “marriage.” I began as a volunteer with the Youth Volunteer Corps, and quickly joined the Mayor’s Youth Council (MYC) after realizing how awesome Youth Central is. I was a member of the Research Committee on MYC in grade 10, and later became a co-chair of the Community Outreach Committee in Grades 11 and 12. I graduated in 2013, but just when they thought they got rid of me, I came back this summer as a Team Leader with the Youth Volunteer Corps program.
What did you learn from being a part of Youth Central?
I learned something new every day, but I’ll just mention my most valuable lesson because I know you are all busy people. Youth Central taught me the power of teamwork. Being on the Community Outreach Committee of MYC, our small team managed to pull off the first Calgary Youth Volunteer Fair in 2012, repeating the endeavour in 2013. Despite being a huge event with over a dozen organizations and 150 guests, our team successfully planned and executed the project every step of the way. Because of our teamwork, we had fun in the process and nobody had to pull their hair out.
Favorite experience?
You can probably tell I enjoyed the Youth Volunteer Fair; so much that I’ll use it in my answer for this question as well. I had a lot of fond memories planning the fair and seeing it all come together. People nowadays don’t always associate the best of impressions with the youth community, but the Youth Volunteer Fair showed that youth actually care about making a difference and will strive to do so once they are given an opportunity. It was great seeing the number of youth who showed up and signed up with the organizations.
What have you been up to since Youth Central?
Well, currently, even more Youth Central! (Seeing as I’m working as a Team Leader.) I’m also studying engineering at the University of Alberta, hoping to specialize in chemical engineering. In my spare time (despite what they may tell you, I can assure you that you’ll still have free time, even in engineering), I coach senior high debaters, and help run high school and university level debate tournaments. I am also part of a campus running group and a campus charity organization.
Future Goals?
Honestly, I wish I knew. An optimist would say the future is wide open, while a pessimist would say I have no idea what I want. I’d prefer to be an optimist. Right now, I’m considering applying my engineering skills to either the biomedical or energy industries. Another thought is management consulting… Ask me again in five years and I might be able to give you a better answer.
Can youth interested in your field of study contact you?
I don’t even know why this is a question, because the answer is obvious: yes! I love talking to people! You don’t even have to be interested in my field of study, contact me anyways!